Saturday, January 31, 2009

Goals Met!

Some good news from me for a change!

I met my writing goals for this month!

As of last night, I submitted to three short story contests!

The first story I'm ok with. Too much editing drove me a bit whacky, and just lost my interest in the story. Its not a bad story, just had to tinker with it too much.

Story #2 I really enjoyed. Its the shortest of the 3, but to attempt to add more would have just taken away from it. Its exactly the length it needed to be.

Story #3 I'm just plain thrilled with. Its a genre that I don't normally write, and not even a genre I read. Normally, I'm a suspense/mystery/horror/thriller/romance fan, so that's what I tend to write. My gf K challenged me to write something completely different, with no 'hook' so to speak. Literary fiction, rather than genre. About people, personalities as the plot.

So I did.

And I have to say, without false bragging, it turned out amazingly well. And for me to think something is GOOD that I accomplished...well, that should give you an idea as to just how pleased I am with it.

I'm planning on turning it into a full length novel, but it requires a ton o'research first.

Sooooooooo, I have other writing to attend to, as pain permits. Somedays I just can' I revel in the days I can.

I won't have any idea as to if I've even made the short list for any of the 3 for months. Indeed, one of them only the winner and runners up are contacted...sometime in JUNE. I kid you not.

Thank heavens I've got enough on the go not to be able to obsess about it. Much, anyways.

Two more deadlines next month for writing contests, and I *still* want to submit some articles to magazines.

Here's hoping for some positive news soon!

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