Yeah, you were probably having some doubts. Bad Domestic Goddess! Bad!!
So I'm not a daily blogger. Probably part of the whole, "Not a Stepford Wife" thing.
Things have been just a WEE bit chaotic around here. Being sent out of town by WCB to go for an independant medical assessment, being told that according to the IMA, I can work sedintary, pain specialist saying no, going for a ganglion block on Tues (google it, its not a fun thing, and I'm scared spitless), migraines out the wazoo, more Dr appts, pain, blah blah blah. Kinda the old, "same crap, different day" situation.
Wolf and I are managing in our own ways. Sorta. He's off work right now, due to WCB saying that they want me in a day program...then their Dr saying not until after the ganglion block. Still got a call from my work that am though, which was really interesting...I'm not approved for physio, etc, but for work? How does that happen? Or is it, as I suspect, that the case mgr called my work before even hearing from her own WCB Dr? I'll find out on Monday, probably. Likely with being told I'm 'non-compliant' for not returning to work...Did I mention the pain specialist says no? Yeah, its a cluster hump.
In other news...
We got wind of a 5 bdrm house on 5 acres that was available for rent. Wolf says if we get the house, we're starting the adoption/fostering process. Haven't heard anything about the house since, so don't know if its still available, etc, so no real progress there. *shrug* I'm of the mindset that what will be, will be, and all the fussing and stressing and gnashing my teeth over it won't do a darn thing.
Some would say that's an unusually healthy attitude for me to have, others would start to worry if I'm losing my will to live. I won't vote at this point :oP
Oh, did I mention we had the stomach flu go 'round? Yup. Word to the wise: 3.5 yo boys are NOT to be trusted when they have the flu. Sure, they're running around like crazy, etc...but its just to lull you into a false sense of security before they woof all over your toes. Bare toes at that. I only wish I were kidding.
I signed up for NaNoWriMo again...but haven't written squat. Just don't have the spark for it. And, the whole CRPS thing doesn't lend itself well to typing for long.
Just a ramble to let everyone know I haven't croaked, still around...I won't give promises as to the next blog, cause I can't be trusted to keep them. :oP
Keto Journey: Week 7
5 years ago