Friday, April 29, 2011

Today's The Day...No, Not The Royal Wedding...

I go for the big medical panel meeting this am. Three specialists and the head of the medical panel will be hearing the information, probably examining me (icky, eww, pain) and then writing a report stating if I am capable of working at all.

All my drs say no, I'm unable. Worker's Comp doesn't like that answer, hence the MPO.

Last I heard, they hadn't yet received the info from the 3 hr torture...err...testing session.

If folks could pray for us, that this goes in our favour, that they agree with *my* specialists (there's 3 of them, plus 3 other independant exams that have said yes, I have RSD) I would be very grateful.

I don't know what shape I'll be in later, depending on what exams might be done, so I may not update until tomorrow.


Monday, April 25, 2011

The Hits Keep On Coming...

Ok, first the good news.  Baby nephew was released from the hospital yesterday.  Talk about a happy Easter for my brother and his wife!!

And now, the rest of life...

Wolf thought he pulled a muscle in his side at work.  Turned out to be shingles.

Medical Panel is demanding to physically examine me on Friday.  Which, translated to someone with RSD means, "We're going to hurt you.  Repeatedly.  Because, even though you've been examined at LEAST a half dozen times before, and everyone agrees its RSD, we want to have a poke at you ourselves...RSD just isn't common, you know."

Easter was ok, kids loved everything.

And that's the post and run update for now.